
[詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?

Hanson 2007-8-21 23:07 只看這個作者
原文由 黑格爾 於 2007-8-21 22:40 發表
真抱歉 因為我的發文 害大大被扣分[詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?2633 [詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?8744 [詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?7443 [詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?6716

真的很對不起[詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?7247 [詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?6237 [詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?9036

[詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?4464  沒關係,請您千萬別放在心上,日後有小弟能幫上忙的,
還是不會客氣幫忙的,"錯"不在你[詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?2348
oldvec 2007-8-21 23:32 只看這個作者
gigolo 2009-8-26 03:35 只看這個作者
如果您這5w50的機油是原裝的 那應該是不錯的油 但是最近我發mail到美國原廠詢問一些機由問題 結果美國原廠給我的答案是 我們台灣賣的TORCO機油是假油

Dear Sir:

It might take some time to confront and caught them but we will make sure the agent does not produce counterfeit products.

If you have succession on how best to use local enforcement to stop this kind of counterfeit, please let me know.



這是8月18日美國原廠最後的一封回覆 TORCO美國原廠是希望台灣消費者暫時不要再使用台灣的TORCO機油

Dear Sir:

Torco has been improving its product quality continuously even though the name of the products might be the same.

Anything else that you can give us to put down inferior quality products that cheating Taiwanese consumers I’m very appreciated.

Best regards,

Ned Tanson.


Dear Sir:

I’m going to Taiwan this coming Thursday and Friday (August 20 & 21). If the agent has been producing counterfeit products, I want to make sure the agent gets caught before he knows that you already told me. Even though I want to caught the agent right away but I want to catch him with counterfeit products so he has no excuse at all.
If you have any idea on how to do it, please let me know I will consider your advice highly.

Thank you and best regards,



Dear Sir/Madam:

Please let us know more about what products of Torco that might be produced illegally by local oil maker.

Torco wants to protect consumers from bad and inferior products. PLEASE tell us more who has done it if you know.

Could you please send us more details of on the products?

Could you tell us where you find the bottle… Taipei, Taichung, Tainan or Kaohsiung?

I will be in Taiwan next week. Your help in this matter is mostly appreciated since it is not only help Torco but it helps all consumers as well.

If you are in Taipei and able to meet with me, it would be great to learn more about it from you. If you are not able to meet, this is okay too. But PLEASE give us more details so I can look into it.

Thank you very much,

Ned Tanson.


這是美國原廠的幾封回覆 還有一些是我詢問機油方面的問題就.......暫時保留 如果車友對買的TORCO機油質疑 就把您購買 時間 地點 賣家 通知美國原廠 他們正在收集資料 也只有這麼做對消費者才有保障

[ 本文章最後由 gigolo 於 2009-8-26 04:22 編輯 ]
gigolo 2009-9-25 07:58 只看這個作者
我對TORCO的機油已經完全失望,之前對美國原廠處理假油還抱一點寄望,沒想到最後美國原廠自動給我回覆,只是說台灣經消商不會在生產任何仿冒產品,沒回覆還好,竟然收到的消息.......那之前買到假油的消費者就不用給個交代嗎? 我看網路上,假油照賣,沒任何人因為假油下架,這不僅讓我懷疑TORCO的油是不是原本就是在台灣生產的,因為在國外仿冒是種很嚴重的事,尤其是在美國那種先進國家

至於樓上大大提到Y牌一事,照此看來又是個?????? 既然美國原廠無法給消費者保障與公道,那頂多以後不在用TORCO的油,如果還有其他網友再相信那種商品,.........>.<" 無話可說

Dear Sir/Madam:
I’m sorry I did not have a chance to reply to you sooner because I was on vacation last week.
I basically understand what you tried to inform us and because of your information we have contacted Torco distributor in Taiwan and confronted them with the issue of imitation. We also reviewed their order and found they have purchased our product in drums. At that time we thought they would sell products in drums. And now we knew that they have repacked the drum products themselves into liter size which they should not have done.
The Taiwanese Torco Distributor will from now on purchase only packaging products and will not repack any products in Taiwan.
We would be appreciated if you let us know if there are any more imitation products produced in Taiwan since the imitation products might ruin customer engines or let the engines wear out too soon.
Thank you very much,
Ned Tanson

TORCO 2010-11-23 10:18 只看這個作者
Torco 在台灣目前已經有正式的總代理了.

我也是Torco的愛用者, 以前用的時候也毛毛的,怕買到假油
現在太棒了!! Torco在台灣終於有總代理了!!
是"TORCO T-4R MPZ 10W40SL"的機油!
還是台灣或其他地區仿冒的山寨油?感謝您![詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?7694
[詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?9979
[詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?9092
[詢問]Torco SR-1 5W50 有人用過嗎?5254

[ 本文章最後由 rabbit779 於 2010-12-9 08:45 編輯 ]
TORCO 2010-12-11 02:00 只看這個作者
您照片裡的機油不是來自美國Torco原廠, 請盡速更換您的機油,
參與人數 2經驗值 +6 收起 理由
ICEDEN + 3 請問你們購買方式只有奇摩購物中心嗎? 最 ...
rabbit779 + 3 十分感謝您!

瀏覽全部評分總評分 :  經驗值 +6

dinofly 2010-12-12 18:50 只看這個作者