Myth: If you use a good synthetic oil, you can change your oil less frequently.
Lubricant marketers do not set oil drain intervals; these recommendations are made by the engine manufacturers. The point of using high-quality synthetic oil is to take better care of the engine and reduce deposit formation, which may reduce power, performance, and fuel economy – rather than extending the drain interval. ... z9sb2NhbGU9ZW5fY2E=
HONDA ACCORD 加裝三環表與 Greddy Info-touch 隨時監控引擎數據與溫度,機油何時衰退皆可輕易判斷
MAGMAX 5W30:第一次試5W30感動不已,貼背感十足,拉轉速引擎嘶吼聲比起黏油更猛烈,但真的蠻快就衰退了,約3500油壓就開始掉
Mobil 5W30 一樣不耐久,約3500油壓也開始掉,油溫也開始亂飄
本文最後由 phos 於 2018-10-8 01:38 編輯