
Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)

来源: 心得 賴斑比 2017-9-14 09:49 只看這個作者 只看大圖 |閱讀模式
20 7755
禮拜天被某動物鵝竿綁架到台北參加小老婆網辦的Gogoro 2試乘體驗會Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)7720Headed to Taipei(Kidnapped by some goose) on Sunday to take part in Gogoro 2 experience ride
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拿到名字貼紙時發現名字有點不對Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)3689 (不是應該是斑比嗎)Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)2677
And I notice that the name sticker has a littleeeeee mistake in it( Shouldn't it be Bambi?)
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好 題外話Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)8782
Okay, that was extra

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當天就選擇了白色的勾吐(因為只有一台白的所以下手為強Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)6994)
第一眼覺得... 嗯  外表長的蠻詭異 但看起來蠻輕巧的
I chose a white Gogoro 2 on that day(Because theres only one white one! So of course I had to choose first)
First sight was actually... Well  It looks strange, but it looks pretty light and handy.

因為我也是第一次騎Gogoro, 第一代也還沒騎過
椅墊比較大了(因為一代的真的看起來好小, 有點虐待身軀大的人Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)5485
It was my first time with a Gogoro, Have yet to ride the first generation.
While looking at the looks of it I only thought that
The seat seems to be bigger.(Because the first generation's seat is really, awfully small by its look, somehow a torture to those with a bigger sized body)

其實我發現勾吐的中柱對我們身軀比較小的人來說不太好立 需要同時用右手往後拉才好立起來(汗
然後下中柱的時候 我呈現了ˊ這種狀態:
Actually I noticed that Gogoro 2's middle stand is not really easy for shorties(someone like me) to set up, theres a need to use the right hand to pull back the scooter while trying to set up the middle stand.
And when I tried to get off the middle stand, I looked like this:
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接觸到車 在聽講解騎乘方式的時候
這車他媽的只有智商高的人才會騎吧 也太複雜了!!!??
So when we are listening to the riding instructions
I only have a thought
This car is absolutely only suitable for people with high intelligence. This thing is so complicated!!!!!!!!!

其中講解有提到Gogoro的APP, 可是畢竟只有可以騎一天 我連線好了就放著不理了Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)160
Actually theres an APP for Gogoro, But since I'll only be riding it for a few hours  After connecting the application with Gogoro I just left it there.
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開啟車廂 長按按鈕 它就會彈開了~Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)8292One scooter is arranged with one set of key: something that looks like a magnetic buckle(Actually I took the picture of the other side zz)
To turn on the power press one the button.
To open the seat, long press on the button and it will bounce open

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啟動引擎(是引擎嗎?) 則是一邊按著煞車 一邊按下螢幕上GO的按鍵
This is how it looks like after turning on the power
To start the engine(Is it even the engine or motor?) Pull on either side of the brakes and press on the GO button on the screen.

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啟動後 時速表的0就會顯示, 代表可以怒催下去了~ Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)9267
After starting up the engine, The speed indicator(units in KM) with appear, which means we can start going Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)8648

勾吐的設計有點像我們六期的機車, 沒有燈的開關 應該是引擎開啟就會亮燈了
可以幫忙防止晚上不知道要開燈的三寶 Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)1788
The design for Gogoro 2 is a little similar to our Six-Period scooters, theres no switch for the scooter's light, I suppose that the light will automatically be turned on when the engine has been started
So we can prevent some "idiots" who do not know how to turn on the lights at night

可以算是利用智慧型功能去分析出數據Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)7835
不用像我們吃油的機車 看到剩下一格或者閃燈才怕沒油衝去加油, 可是當然 電腦數據僅供參考~
What I think that they did pretty well with Gogoro is that they can refer to how you ride(Riding habits) for the past 1000KM(Supposingly) to judge the remaning distance you can ride with your remaining battery power.(Units in M)
We can say that they made use of smart functions to analyze the data.
Unlike the scooters that take fuel, we have to find the fuel station when we have one fuel indicating icon left lit or when the fuel light starts flashing. But of course, the data is only for reference.

那天試乘 塞車的時候我都調成Smart,
在山路或者需要超車或者追車(對 追車. 帶頭的非常GPGogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)7133) 我就把模式設定為旗子
Riding mode is divided into four types.
Smart stands for RV
Sport is the normal mode
While the finish flag stands for GP(That's what she saidGogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)1563)
On the day on the test ride, when traffic is heavy I changed to mode to Smart
In the mountains or when we need to overtake OR chase the front scooters(Yes I meant chase, the leader is totally GP mode), I would change the mode to the finish flag.
We can choose to change the modes while riding will also allow the battery to last longer~
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Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)6559
從勾吐後面看 有種嘴唇很厚的怪臉的港決.....
Looking from the back of the Gogoro 2, It actually looks just like a face with very thick lips
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其實身為台中人(假台中人), 騎到哪裡我完全是個問號... 只能跟著帶頭的騎...
So as a Taichung person(A fake one), I have totally no idea where we are riding to... I can only go after the leading scooter
Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)9515
第一站休息, 覺得車其實騎起來 完全不會震, 很穩
而且發現有倒車的裝置 Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)2251 對一些不會倒車入庫的人來說真的很方便, 但是要啟動倒車的話, 車需要是在靜止狀態才可以啟動
勾吐行駛中的時候其實很安靜, 可是!!!! 煞車的時候莫名的聲音蠻大聲的Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)5950
要把勾吐的電源關掉: 非常方便, 直接立側柱  它就會自己關閉引擎, 再按一下磁扣按鈕就可以看到螢幕跟你說Bye Bye~
Theres really a lot of color to choose from
First stop, think the scooter is totally vibration free, very stable
And I noticed that theres a reverse function, very suitable for people who do not know how to park scooters. But to use the function, the scooter has to be stationary state.
During the ride I have to say that Gogoro 2 is really quiet, But!! When pulling on the brakes theres a pretty loud sound coming from the brakes.
To turn off the engine of Gogoro 2, pretty simple, we just set the side stand and it will turn off the engine, press on the key button and the screen will show ByeBye~

After lunch we went for the battery swap.
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兩顆電池 一顆大概9.8KG,(已更正) 一次搬一顆換也行
話說Gogoro換電池站會自己跳出電池的動作有點讓我驚訝 好可愛 Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)8391
Theres two batteries for the scooter, each weighs about 9.8KG.(Revised) We can carry and change one at a time.
By the way the battery change station kind of surprised me when the batteries pop out by themselves. QT Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)2739

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當然如果有人能幫換電池最好啦 (大笑)Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)600
But of course its best if theres someone to help you change the battery.

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可是我還是要坐到最前面又穿靴子才可以雙腳碰地...Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)943
Indeed very suitable for a shortie like me to ride on(155CM tall)
But I still need to sit at the very front and wear boots to allow both of my feet the touch the ground firmly :Crai:

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After the day's ride
I made some other extra conclusion to my thoughts for Gogoro 2

1. 開車箱很麻煩 Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)3447  車在啟動狀態是不能開車廂的
Quite a bother to open the seat, While the engine is turned on you can't open the seat
2. 吃飯討論時有人提到行車紀錄器的事情  我是覺得畢竟Gogoro原先就是電動車, 應該可以有個進階版本就是原裝升級配行車紀錄器這樣Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)5952
While having lunch someone mentioned about the driving recorder(Whatever we name it in English)
Actually, I think that since Gogoro is powered by battery, they can manufacture a upgraded version with driving recorder installed with the scooter's engine, Since the driving recorder has been very important if there happens to be idiots riding everywhere
3. SBS系統!! 這個有點嚇到我  因為剛開始騎車之前解釋沒講到這個部分   
跑山路有點離別人太近急煞同時前後拉煞車 發現沒辦法同時煞緊, 差點親下去前面屁股Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)1045
SBS系統他們說是防止輪胎因為前後同時煞車導致鎖死的裝置, 可是對於我們這種碟煞用習慣的其實來說真的用起來會怕怕的Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)8500
The SBS system!! This actually kind of startled me. Before riding the explanation did not metioned about this
In the mountains I was a little too close to the front scooter so I pulled on the front and hind brakes but I noticed the two brakes happen to be like a pulley, you can't pull both to the end at the same time. Pull too hard on one side the other side will pull back the brakes. I almost collided with the butt of the front scooter QQQQQQQ
They say that the SBS system is used to prevent locking of the front and hind tyres, But for users like myself who are used to disk brakes, Its kind of scary for us when it comes to using the SBS system.
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本文最後由 賴斑比 於 2017-9-15 09:04 編輯

21728023_1495042493917533_5840092660183264158_n.jpg (40.83 KB, 下載次數: 107)

Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)9178
參與人數 5經驗值 +150 紅利點數 +160 收起 理由
WayneChen + 5 感謝分享
andy690690 + 5 是正妹一定要給分
rex594268 + 50 + 50 女車友就是五十分,不用多說
19701024 + 50 + 50 只要是女車友我都給100分
愛車之竿 + 50 有動物先加分

瀏覽全部評分總評分 :  經驗值 +150 紅利點數 +160



本文最後由 starnavy549 於 2017-9-14 10:04 編輯

喔喔~是頭香嗎Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)7832    斑比~~是斑比呀Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)7983


話說~我記得當天妳的尾速好像有衝上一百初對吧!! 到底怎麼騎的呀~~我的水藍號只有快九十~Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)4973 是我的體重問題嗎Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)38


車手輕量化選我正解  詳情 回覆 發表於 2017-9-14 12:17




每個人都不忘提當然也少不了我  詳情 回覆 發表於 2017-9-14 13:09

2013/03/04起 全面嚴格抓取版面要求PM文章
包含福利社   僅廠商區除外
lienly 2017-9-14 12:02 只看這個作者
翻譯的有點怪...Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)7350


沒辦法 有些名詞英文沒辦法直接翻譯或者有真正的翻譯名詞 我盡力了  詳情 回覆 發表於 2017-9-14 12:16
lienly 發表於 2017-9-14 12:02

Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)6877沒辦法 有些名詞英文沒辦法直接翻譯或者有真正的翻譯名詞 我盡力了


你是用google翻譯?  詳情 回覆 發表於 2017-9-15 05:07
starnavy549 發表於 2017-9-14 09:57
喔喔~是頭香嗎    斑比~~是斑比呀


車手輕量化選我正解Gogoro 2麋鹿亂撞試乘體驗會(雙語中英!!)5077
