這個問題 我想過。如果使用上 有問題應該很多人跳出來......
然而 台灣汽油精賣ˋ的還是很好。包含 紅線..快樂跑....等
好用的話。應該很多人 都是混柴油。而不是去買汽油精。或是他們不知道混柴油的好處。
很多人跟我一樣 那會不會傷車。我不知道 所以沒意見。
我只是推演...台灣好東西 都是要排隊。
好東西 不會寂寞。就如同4T的賽克隆機油。
汽油精這東西。一定有市場。原著 好好的研發。搞不好 能搞出一片天。
有人說下面他們家的效果不錯。[size=19.006px]日本和光 WAKO'S[size=19.006px]
This is another hard-hitting and effective fuel injector cleaner. Per the Material Safety Data Sheet (PDF), Chevron Techron Concentrate Plus Fuel System Cleaner contains up to 70% PEA. Like Red Line, Chevron goes the extra mile here by putting their ingredients out there in black and white for everyone to evaluate. Users note a significant reduction of carbon on the pistons and cylinder walls, along with improved idle quality and better fuel economy (4% on average) after one use. Some mention improved emissions, as well. Observing decreased hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides levels when used before a test. Like most fuel injector cleaners, initial treatment calls for adding a bottle to an almost empty fuel tank before topping off. And, to keep the entire fuel system clean, Chevron recommends using a bottle every 3,000 miles or at scheduled oil change intervals. Overall performance is laudable and considering the ingredients, I highly recommend Chevron Techron Concentrate Plus to anyone that’s looking to maintain or revitalize their fuel system. 本文最後由 pompom 於 2020-9-21 18:20 編輯