
Rossi 提最終上訴 ( 向體育仲裁法庭 )

zzyes 2015-10-31 19:27 只看這個作者


讚: 5.0
讚: 5 搞不好那些天天用骯髒諷刺的留言洗版的, 有沒有可能其實是原本支持他的勒? XD  發表於 2015-10-31 19:34
讚: 5
誰要去看他臉書呀! XD  發表於 2015-10-31 19:31
minwuer 2015-10-31 19:33 只看這個作者
for007youreyes 發表於 2015-10-31 17:03 Rossi 提最終上訴 ( 向體育仲裁法庭 )359
來來來... 腦補一下... 看圖說故事呀...

( 名字千萬不要打出來, 是潛規則喲! 歡迎大家用力補呀! 千萬不 ...



讚: 5.0
讚: 5
T_T 你一開始玩就上手... 完全玩在規則內... 這就對啦! 腦補就是要這樣玩! 大家多開心!   發表於 2015-10-31 19:37

AI29  Iannone 說:

真是費解又棘手的狀況, 且大家各持己見, 但肯定沒人喜歡這事件.



我的看法是, 小馬有可以跟得住小鯊跟小羅的潛在性啦.

Andrea Iannone (Ducati):
“It’s a complicated and delicate situation and everyone has his own opinion,
but for sure no one likes what happened.
I think Marc was riding a bit too slow.
You cannot go one second slower than the pace you had just a few hours before [in the warmup].
In my opinion, Marc had the potential to stay with Pedrosa and Lorenzo.”
來源出處: http://www.cycleworld.com/2015/1 ... arquez-controversy/

PE44  小E:

我能懂老猴的沮喪挫折, 是因為小馬一直在干擾妨礙老猴, 但老猴你也不能故意那樣抬起腳來去碰觸另個車手呀.

一方面來說, 小馬玩得不正當; 小馬正是在惡搞老猴的世界冠軍.

另方面來說, 我很訝異像老猴那麼成熟老練的車手怎麼會是那樣的回應. 老猴以前從不曾這樣呀.

賽事監管處, 安委會及 IRTA ( 國際道路賽車車隊協會 ) 正在評斷此一事件.

接下來的 Valencia 鐵定有好戲.

Pol Espargaro (Tech 3 Yamaha):
“I can understand Rossi’s frustration with Marquez’s disturbing him,
but you cannot touch a rider deliberately and raise the foot in that way.
From one side, Marc was not playing fairly; he was playing with Rossi’s championship.
On the other side, I’m surprised that a mature and experienced rider like Rossi could react like this.
Valentino never did something like this before.
Race Direction, the Safety Commission and IRTA (International Road Racing Teams Association) are there
to evaluate incidents like this.
Valencia will be an interesting race.”
來源出處: http://www.cycleworld.com/2015/1 ... arquez-controversy/

Ben Spies:

毫無疑問, 小馬自找苦吃.
也毫無疑問, 老猴就幹掉小馬了. 也許老猴並不打算, 但老猴還是幹掉了小馬....

真有趣. 小馬從頭到尾都在自討苦吃. 結果老猴還真的故意教訓了小馬一頓. 總之兩人都有錯.

對! 我贊同小馬也該為今的事受罰.
如果有誰看不出小馬在菲利浦島及雪邦都比老猴快, 那麼那人一定是瘋了!


Ben Spies:

There's no question marcmarquez93 asked for it
and there's no question that ValeYellow46 took him out. Maybe didn't mean too but did....

More from Spies:

“Gonna be interesting. marcmarquez93 asked for it the whole race
and ValeYellow46 intentionally gave it to him
so both riders are at fault”.

“And yes I agree marcmarquez93 should have been penalized for today as well.
If people can’t understand that marcmarquez93 was faster at PL and Sepang than ValeYellow46,
they’re crazy!”

來源出處: http://www.cycleworld.com/2015/1 ... arquez-controversy/
本文章最後由 for007youreyes 於 2015-10-31 22:17 編輯

Josh Brookes:

小馬像個 DICK 般阻撓老猴. 老猴都七Rossi 提最終上訴 ( 向體育仲裁法庭 )4853小馬示警了, 小馬還不甩.

你試試從外側搶線呀小馬, 結果就是小馬你摔車的那樣啦.

(注: DICK ≒ 卑鄙小人 )

為了要對付小馬, 搞得老猴的下場比賽因此被裁罰.
罰點應該要被擱置, 賽會監管處不該介入決定年度冠軍之爭.

老猴的確有故意跑開去做個表態, 可小馬也的確還有不少其它的選擇.
而不是堅持跑外線並持續壓迫老猴, 甚至之後還往老猴身上躺倒, 以至於把老猴的腿給拽離了腳踏.

我認為就此事件, 我們必須聚焦在真正的惡行 -- 令人無法接受, 又蠢, 又不道德的行為 --上...
老猴對待小馬為什麼可以君子這麼久? 老猴老早老早就該揭穿告發小馬了.
(grass 不譯為去吃草放牧. 因如果吃草放牧玩砂可以讓人不小人, 那摔越多次的不早變聖人了?! 事實不然. )


Josh Brookes:

MM was riding like a dick to block VR.
VR gave him looks of warning & MM didn't accept.
You try ride on outside & catch, it's what happens

More from Brookes:

“VR’s race was already penalized by having to deal with MM.
Points should be left.
Race Direction shouldn’t be deciding the championship.”

“Yes VR intentionally ran wide to make a statement…
but MM had more options than the one he chose to take.”

“MM could’ve turned back & got up the inside
but he stayed outside & continued to push on VR,
then fell onto him, that dragged VR’s leg off.”

“I think we need to focus on the real crime here.
Why was VR a gentleman for so long?
He should have grassed him a lot earlier.”

來源出處: http://www.cycleworld.com/2015/1 ... arquez-controversy/
a018131 2015-10-31 22:12 只看這個作者
本文章最後由 a018131 於 2015-10-31 22:14 編輯

體育仲裁法庭 ( CAS ) 內部


有沒有西班牙人?Rossi 提最終上訴 ( 向體育仲裁法庭 )4828
本文章最後由 for007youreyes 於 2015-10-31 22:37 編輯
a018131 發表於 2015-10-31 22:12 Rossi 提最終上訴 ( 向體育仲裁法庭 )2200
體育仲裁法庭 ( CAS ) 內部


人以"心"去分, 而非以"國籍"去分...

像雪邦這場, 小鯊是心地很美/說話很中肯的車手, 而抖V是很寬容很乾淨的車手...

菲利浦島圈速表... 心機... 謊言... 偽善... 鬼扯...

還有TMD 管理前輪... 我看是管理管到了別人的前後輪去了吧...

Rossi 提最終上訴 ( 向體育仲裁法庭 )1851

15樓最後一句... http://forum.jorsindo.com/forum. ... &fromuid=321386

Colin Edwards  德州龍捲風:

好吧, 我的看法是: 小馬為他的傲慢自大而戰, 而非為錦標賽而戰. 然後老猴被小馬死纏爛打的跑法搞煩了.

Colin Edwards
Ok, my opinion: MM is fighting for pride, not a championship. VR gets tired of MM's close racing
來源出處: http://www.cycleworld.com/2015/1 ... arquez-controversy/

Michael Laverty:




老猴被小馬搞到勃然大怒了, 只好給小馬一點顏色瞧瞧.

Michael Laverty:
Marc broke the unwritten rule, always RESPECT those fighting for a Championship when you're not.
Vale got enraged and hung him out to dry
來源出處: http://www.cycleworld.com/2015/1 ... arquez-controversy/