
Rossi 提最終上訴 ( 向體育仲裁法庭 )

来源: MotoGP for007youreyes 2015-10-31 14:24 只看這個作者 |閱讀模式
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來源出處: http://www.crash.net/motogp/news ... sepang-penalty.html

MotoGP: Rossi 上訴 Sepang 裁罰 2015年10月30

Rossi 對在 Sepang 與 Marquez 發生的衝突提出最終上訴, 設法避免在冠軍決勝局從最末位發車。

Rossi 為了推翻, 或顯然地, 推遲他在 Valencia 冠軍決勝局從最末位發車, 已就他的 Sepang 裁罰向體育仲裁法庭 ( CAS ) 提請上訴。

由於 Rossi 的 Yamaha 車隊就 Race Direction 的決議所提出的初次申訴被 FIM Stewards 駁回, CAS 此舉成為 Rossi 最後剩下的選擇.

Rossi 在 Sepang 因促使與死敵 Marquez 的衝突而被給予 3 罰點.
且 Rossi 在 Misano 因排位賽時妨礙爭冠對手 Lorenzo 而有 1 罰點, 故累積 4 罰點須從最末位發車.

Rossi 帶著領先隊友 Lorenzo 7 積分的優勢進到下周末的 Valencia 決勝局, 卻可能得面對由最末位發車去贏取第十冠的艱困任務.

然因 Rossi 已要求"廢止裁罰, 或至少由 3 減為 1 罰點", 故 Rossi 只須能推遲現存的裁罰, 就可避免在 Valencia 由最末位發車.

為此, Rossi 已提出就"暫緩執行決議"的"緊急申請". 換言之, Rossi 想要 CAS 做出暫時擱置 3 罰點的裁定.
預計在 11/6 週五的 Valencia 練習賽前, CAS 將就是否准許此延緩執行做出決議.

鑒於 Rossi 的裁罰涉及的是罰點而非錦標賽積分, 因而 CAS 在 Valencia 賽後才做出的任何決議也不太可能對 2015 冠軍結果有所影響.

例如, 假使在賽季終場後, CAS 經充分審判仍維持 3 罰點,
則 Rossi 只要在 2016 年 Qatar 賽季首站 ( 或判決做出後的下一場賽事 ) 時, 再履行其最末位發車的裁罰即可.

FIM 聲明顯示:

"依據 FIM 道路賽車世界錦標大獎賽規則 3.4.2. 條款第 3 項,  Valentino Rossi 先生已就:
FIM MotoGP 世界錦標大獎賽倒數第二站, 於 Sepang 的 Shell Malaysia 摩托車大獎賽的 Race Direction,
在14號彎的事件後, 經 FIM Stewards 批准, 做出判給 Rossi 先生 3 罰點的決議, 提出申訴."

"Rossi 先生向體育仲裁法庭申訴, 要求廢止或減輕裁罰. 此外, 依據陳述體育的仲裁法規之 R37 條款, 他要求暫緩執行該決議."

"FIM 目前將不做任何進一步的評論.”

在 Sepang, Race Direction 為了解釋裁罰 Rossi 之決議, 聲明: "2015 10/25, 於 Shell Malaysia 摩托車大獎賽的 MotoGP 正賽時,
你為了迫使另一車手偏離行車線而在 14 號彎蓄意跑開, 結果引起碰觸, 導致對方摔車."

"這被視為造成其他競爭者危險的無責任感駕馭, 因而違反 FIM 道路賽車世界錦標大獎賽規則 1.21.2 條款."

"Race Direction 基於上述原由, 決議給予你記錄上再附加 3 罰點."

Rossi 說他從第 4 圈到發生碰觸的第 7 圈, 期間一連串無止盡且瀕臨失控的超車. 一直被 Marquez 蓄意延阻,
Rossi 坦承在 14 號彎迫使 Marquez 跑開.

Rossi 的聲明雖遭 Marquez 駁斥, 卻被 Race Direction 考量是引發 Rossi 戰鬥的挑釁.

Rossi 否認他想要  Marquez 摔車或他有踢向 Marquez 而導致他摔車.
Race Direction 判定 Rossi 腿部動作的 TV 連續鏡頭畫面不明確, 故其非為 Rossi 暴行的一部分.

3 罰點的裁罰是由於, 今年 Jerez 站與 Juanfran Guevara 發生碰撞的 Karel Hanika 遭受 5 罰點這判例, 而依此做出的決議.

賽事總監 Mike Webb 解釋道: "Hanika 的案件是公然地'對, 我設法去撞對方, 我要搞傷他.',
而 Rossi 這案件是'我疏忽而犯錯了', 即便結果仍造成了對方摔車."

"就 Marquez 的騎法, 單圈時間, 我的意見是, 我感覺 Marquez 如同很多車手所做的在改變賽事.
但我非常清楚 Marquez 沒違規. 所以 Marquez 沒被裁罰."

然而當我們要對 Rossi 做出裁罰時, 有考量 Rossi 必定受到一些挑釁.
但如同我對 Rossi 說的, 不論你受何挑釁, 你不用能會導致對方摔車的方式去回應.

Rossi 指控 Marquez 設法在前一場 Phillip Island 站幫 Lorenzo, 等於為 Sepang 站的對決鋪路.

更新: CAS 發布的新聞稿如下:

"Italian MotoGP 車手 Valentino Rossi 已向體育仲裁法庭 ( CAS ), 就舉行於 2015/10/25 在 Shell Malaysia 摩托車大獎賽期間,
與另一車手發生的事件後, 遭 FIM Stewards 決議給予 3 罰點到其記錄上之裁罰, 提請上訴."

"FIM Race Direction 判定 Rossi 先生蓄意跑開以迫使另一車手偏離行車線, 引起碰觸造成對方摔車退賽.
因此舉違反 FIM 道路賽車世界錦標大獎賽規則 ( FIM 規則 ), FIM Race Direction 給予 3 罰點到車手 ( Rossi ) 的記錄上."

"Rossi 先生隨即將此決議上訴給 FIM Stewards, 然遭其駁回並批准了 FIM Race Direction 給予的裁罰.
鑒於 Rossi 先生從更前期的事件已記有 1 罰點, 此決議使其累計達 4 罰點. 依據 FIM 規則, 達 4 罰點的車手於下場比賽須由最末位發車."

"在向 CAS 的上訴中, Rossi 先生要求廢止裁罰, 或至少由 3 減輕至 1 罰點.
為了不失去於 2015/11/6-8 在 Valencia / Spain 舉行的下一站, 也是最終站, 的發車格位置,
連同此上訴, Rossi 先生亦就遭質疑的決議提出暫緩執行的緊急申請."

"仲裁程序進行中. 預期 Rossi先生要求暫緩執行的決議最遲將於2015/11/6 公布."

CAS 是個解決體育糾紛的獨立組織. 其與 FIM ( 或 Dorna ) 無任何關聯, 且被 MotoGP 規則賦予"強制實行最終協議的唯一機構".


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  發表於 2015-11-1 09:29
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  發表於 2015-11-1 03:44
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  發表於 2015-11-1 02:10
讚: 5 自己的芭樂自己摘, 自己的大樓自己蓋... 所以的確是很用心的大樓 ( 已哭 T_T ) 這棟樓拜託拜託大家也幫忙蓋... 感激感激... Orz 樓主  發表於 2015-11-1 00:47
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很用心的一棟樓  發表於 2015-11-1 00:30
參與人數 1紅利點數 +5 收起 理由
TSLu + 5 感謝分享

瀏覽全部評分總評分 :  紅利點數 +5

人民的冠軍: 連同2015年被搞掉的第10勝 再拿第11勝就退休


( 以下為中英對照版: )

MotoGP: Valentino Rossi appeals Sepang penalty 30 October 2015
MotoGP: Rossi 上訴 Sepang 裁罰 30 2015年10月

Valentino Rossi launches final appeal against penalty for clash with Marc Marquez at Sepang,
to try and avoid back-of-grid start at MotoGP championship decider.
Rossi 對在 Sepang 與 Marquez 發生的衝突提出最終上訴, 設法避免在冠軍決勝局從最末位發車。

Valentino Rossi has filed an appeal against his Sepang penalty to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)
in an attempt to get his last place start for the Valencia title decider overturned - or, just as significantly, delayed.
Rossi 為了推翻, 或顯然地, 推遲他在 Valencia 冠軍決勝局從最末位發車, 已就他的 Sepang 裁罰向體育仲裁法庭 ( CAS ) 提請上訴。

With the initial appeal by Rossi's Yamaha team against the decision of Race Direction rejected by the FIM Stewards',
the CAS move is the last remaining option for Rossi.
由於 Rossi 的 Yamaha 車隊就 Race Direction 的決議所提出的初次申訴被 FIM Stewards 駁回, CAS 此舉成為 Rossi 最後剩下的選擇.

The Italian was handed three penalty points for triggering a clash with bitter rival Marc Marquez at Sepang.
Four points are needed for a back of the grid start,
but Rossi already had one penalty point for impeding title rival Jorge Lorenzo in qualifying at Misano.
Rossi 在 Sepang 因促使與死敵 Marquez 的衝突而被給予 3 罰點.
且 Rossi 在 Misano 因排位賽時妨礙爭冠對手 Lorenzo 而有 1 罰點, 故累積 4 罰點須從最末位發車.

Rossi heads into next weekend's Valencia decider with a seven point advantage over team-mate Lorenzo,
but faces a difficult task to claim a tenth title if he starts from last on the grid.
Rossi 帶著領先隊友 Lorenzo 7 積分的優勢進到下周末的 Valencia 決勝局, 卻可能得面對由最末位發車去贏取第十冠的艱困任務.

But while Rossi is seeking "the annulment of the penalty, or at least a reduction from 3 points to 1"
he only needs to delay the existing penalty to avoid starting last at Valencia.
然因 Rossi 已要求"廢止裁罰, 或至少由 3 減為 1 罰點", 故 Rossi 只須能推遲現存的裁罰, 就可避免在 Valencia 由最末位發車.

As such, Rossi has also filed an "urgent application" for a "stay of execution of the decision".
In other words, Rossi wants the three penalty points to be suspended while the CAS reaches its verdict.
CAS expects to decide on whether this suspension will be granted by November 6, the date of Friday practice at Valencia.
為此, Rossi 已提出就"暫緩執行決議"的"緊急申請". 換言之, Rossi 想要 CAS 做出暫時擱置 3 罰點的裁定.
預計在 11/6 週五的 Valencia 練習賽前, CAS 將就是否准許此延緩執行做出決議.

Since Rossi's punishment involves penalty points rather than championship points,
any decisions made by the CAS after the Valencia race are unlikely to have an impact on the 2015 title outcome.
鑒於 Rossi 的裁罰涉及的是罰點而非錦標賽積分, 因而 CAS 在 Valencia 賽後才做出的任何決議也不太可能對 2015 冠軍結果有所影響.

For example if, after the season finale, the CAS upholds the three penalty points during its full judgement,
Rossi would simply serve his last place start at the 2016 Qatar season opener (or whichever race followed the judgement).
例如, 假使在賽季終場後, CAS 經充分審判仍維持 3 罰點,
則 Rossi 只要在 2016 年 Qatar 賽季首站 ( 或判決做出後的下一場賽事 ) 時, 再履行其最末位發車的裁罰即可.

“On the basis of Article 3.4.2, para 3 of the FIM Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix Regulations,
Mr Valentino Rossi has filed an Appeal against the decision taken by the Race Direction
of the Shell Malaysia Motorcycle Grand Prix in Sepang, penultimate round of the FIM MotoGP Grand Prix World Championship,
and confirmed by the FIM Stewards, to award 3 penalty points to Mr Rossi following an incident on Turn 14,"
read an FIM statement.
FIM 聲明顯示:
"依據 FIM 道路賽車世界錦標大獎賽規則 3.4.2. 條款第 3 項,  Valentino Rossi 先生已就:
FIM MotoGP 世界錦標大獎賽倒數第二站, 於 Sepang 的 Shell Malaysia 摩托車大獎賽的 Race Direction,
在14號彎的事件後, 經 FIM Stewards 批准, 做出判給 Rossi 先生 3 罰點的決議, 提出申訴."

“In appealing to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), Mr Rossi seeks annulment or reduction of the penalty.
He further requests stay of execution of the decision in accordance with Article R37 of the Code of Sports-Related Arbitration.
"Rossi 先生向體育仲裁法庭申訴, 要求廢止或減輕裁罰. 此外, 依據陳述體育的仲裁法規之 R37 條款, 他要求暫緩執行該決議."

“The FIM will not comment any further at this time.”
“FIM 目前將不做任何進一步的評論.”

In explaining its decision to punish Rossi, Race Direction stated at Sepang:
"On 25th October 2015 during the MotoGP race of the Shell Malaysia Motorcycle Grand Prix,
you deliberately ran wide on Turn 14 in order to force another rider off line, resulting in contact causing the other rider to crash.
在 Sepang, Race Direction 為了解釋裁罰 Rossi 之決議, 聲明: "2015 10/25, 於 Shell Malaysia 摩托車大獎賽的 MotoGP 正賽時,
你為了迫使另一車手偏離行車線而在 14 號彎蓄意跑開, 結果引起碰觸, 導致對方摔車."

"This is considered to be irresponsible riding causing danger to other competitors
and is therefore an infringement of Article 1.21.2 of the FIM Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix Regulations.
"這被視為造成其他競爭者危險的無責任感駕馭, 因而違反 FIM 道路賽車世界錦標大獎賽規則 1.21.2 條款."

"For the above motive, Race Direction has decided to impose on you the addition of 3 penalty points on your record."
"Race Direction 基於上述原由, 決議給予你記錄上再附加 3 罰點."

Rossi has admitted forcing Marquez wide at Turn 14, saying he was being deliberately held up by the Spaniard
during their no-holds-barred series of overtakes from lap 4 until the contact on lap 7.
Rossi 說他從第 4 圈到發生碰觸的第 7 圈, 期間一連串無止盡且瀕臨失控的超車. 一直被 Marquez 蓄意延阻,
Rossi 坦承在 14 號彎迫使 Marquez 跑開.

That claim was rejected by Marquez, but taken into account as 'provocation' for Rossi's actions by Race Direction.
Rossi 的聲明雖遭 Marquez 駁斥, 卻被 Race Direction 考量是引發 Rossi 戰鬥的挑釁.

The Italian denied that he wanted the Honda rider to crash or that he had kicked out at the Spaniard, causing him to fall.
Race Direction found the TV footage of Rossi's leg movement inconclusive and it was not part of his punishment.
Rossi 否認他想要  Marquez 摔車或他有踢向 Marquez 而導致他摔車.
Race Direction 判定 Rossi 腿部動作的 TV 連續鏡頭畫面不明確, 故其非為 Rossi 暴行的一部分.

The sanction of three penalty points was decided upon due to the precedent
of Karel Hanika receiving five penalty points for a collision with Juanfran Guevara at Jerez.
3 罰點的裁罰是由於, 今年 Jerez 站與 Juanfran Guevara 發生碰撞的 Karel Hanika 遭受 5 罰點這判例, 而依此做出的決議.

“Hanika was a blatant 'Yes, I tried to hit the other rider, I wanted to hurt him'.
This case was 'I did it by mistake' but the end result was still a crash," explained Race Director Mike Webb.
賽事總監 Mike Webb 解釋道: "Hanika 的案件是公然地'對, 我設法去撞對方, 我要搞傷他.',
而 Rossi 這案件是'我疏忽而犯錯了', 即便結果仍造成了對方摔車."

"It's my opinion on the way [Marquez] was riding, the lap time, my perception is that
as many riders do he was trying to change the race. But I was very clear with him that he didn't break a rule.
So Marquez has not been penalised.
"就 Marquez 的騎法, 單圈時間, 我的意見是, 我感覺 Marquez 如同很多車手所做的在改變賽事.
但我非常清楚 Marquez 沒違規. 所以 Marquez 沒被裁罰."

"However we took into account when making the penalty on Rossi, that he certainly had some provocation.
But, as I said to him, it doesn't matter what the provocation is. You can't react in a way that causes a rider to crash."
然而當我們要對 Rossi 做出裁罰時, 有考量 Rossi 必定受到一些挑釁.
但如同我對 Rossi 說的, 不論你受何挑釁, 你不用能會導致對方摔車的方式去回應.

Rossi had accused Marquez of trying to help Lorenzo at the previous Phillip Island round,
setting the scene for the Sepang showdown.
Rossi 指控 Marquez 設法在前一場 Phillip Island 站幫 Lorenzo, 等於為 Sepang 站的對決鋪路.

UPDATE: The CAS press release can be seen below:
更新: CAS 發布的新聞稿如下:

"Italian MotoGP rider Valentino Rossi has filed an appeal at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)
against the FIM Stewards' decision to impose 3 penalty points on his record following an incident with another rider
during the Shell Malaysia Motorcycle Grand Prix race held on 25 October 2015.
"Italian MotoGP 車手 Valentino Rossi 已向體育仲裁法庭 ( CAS ), 就舉行於 2015/10/25 在 Shell Malaysia 摩托車大獎賽期間,
與另一車手發生的事件後, 遭 FIM Stewards 決議給予 3 罰點到其記錄上之裁罰, 提請上訴."

"The FIM Race Direction found that Mr Rossi deliberately ran wide in order to force the other rider off line,
resulting in contact causing the other rider to crash out of the race.
For this breach of the FIM Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix Regulations (the FIM Regulations),
the FIM Race Direction imposed 3 penalty points on the rider's record.
"FIM Race Direction 判定 Rossi 先生蓄意跑開以迫使另一車手偏離行車線, 引起碰觸造成對方摔車退賽.
因此舉違反 FIM 道路賽車世界錦標大獎賽規則 ( FIM 規則 ), FIM Race Direction 給予 3 罰點到車手 ( Rossi ) 的記錄上."

"Mr Rossi immediately appealed such decision to the FIM Stewards who dismissed the appeal
and confirmed the penalty imposed by the FIM Race Direction.
Since Valentino Rossi already has 1 penalty point from an earlier incident, this decision brings him to a total of 4 penalty points.
On the basis of the FIM Regulations, a rider with 4 penalty points must start the next race from last grid position.
"Rossi 先生隨即將此決議上訴給 FIM Stewards, 然遭其駁回並批准了 FIM Race Direction 給予的裁罰.
鑒於 Rossi 先生從更前期的事件已記有 1 罰點, 此決議使其累計達 4 罰點. 依據 FIM 規則, 達 4 罰點的車手於下場比賽須由最末位發車."

"In his appeal to the CAS, Mr Rossi seeks the annulment of the penalty, or at least a reduction from 3 points to 1.
Together with his appeal, Mr Rossi has filed an urgent application to stay the execution of the challenged decision
in order not to lose his place on the starting grid at the next, and last, event of the season
which will be held in Valencia/Spain on 6-8 November 2015.
"在向 CAS 的上訴中, Rossi 先生要求廢止裁罰, 或至少由 3 減輕至 1 罰點.
為了不失去於 2015/11/6-8 在 Valencia / Spain 舉行的下一站, 也是最終站, 的發車格位置,
連同此上訴, Rossi 先生亦就遭質疑的決議提出暫緩執行的緊急申請."

"An arbitration procedure is in progress.
A decision on Mr Rossi's request for a stay is expected to be issued no later than 6 November 2015."
"仲裁程序進行中. 預期 Rossi先生要求暫緩執行的決議最遲將於2015/11/6 公布."

The CAS is an independent organisation which settles disputes in sport. It is in no way connected to the FIM (or Dorna)
and is granted "exclusive authority to impose a definitive settlement" by the MotoGP rules.
CAS 是個解決體育糾紛的獨立組織. 其與 FIM ( 或 Dorna ) 無任何關聯, 且被 MotoGP 規則賦予"強制實行最終協議的唯一機構".
xaN 2015-10-31 15:27 只看這個作者
sss888 2015-10-31 16:58 只看這個作者
最後決戰剩一個星期 還沒結果嗎?


讚: 5.0
讚: 5
最遲 11/6 (五) 會有結果... 結果1. 駁回=>則維持最後車格起跑; 結果2. 受理暫緩執行=>則排位依照 FP QP 結果... 總之, 一翻兩瞪眼就是了...   發表於 2015-10-31 17:33

來來來... 腦補一下... 看圖說故事呀...

( 名字千萬不要打出來, 是潛規則喲! 歡迎大家用力補呀! 千萬不要白目到打破潛規則喲! )

EA: 你聽我解釋... 我沒教他這樣... 我也不曉得他會...

SH: 不用解釋啦! 你怎麼教小孩子的?! 小孩子交給你管結果你不曉得?!

Rossi 提最終上訴 ( 向體育仲裁法庭 )9285


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讚: 5
中本的發言 有意圖為這段消毒  發表於 2015-11-3 19:00
讚: 5
這張看了心情就好  發表於 2015-11-1 00:33

癡心絕對 手放開  VS.  噁心絕對 頭滾開

Rossi 提最終上訴 ( 向體育仲裁法庭 )9917
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s87879961 2015-10-31 19:01 只看這個作者

AD04 Dovi 說:

小馬雖是在競爭頒獎台, 但小馬也是在干擾妨礙老猴.

老猴反應過度了, 這不是我們樂見的.

我認為小馬在挑釁激怒老猴, 結果老猴就掉進了小馬的陷阱中.

老猴週四的評論促使緊張關係加劇, 然後我們可以說他倆的關係終於玩完.

毫無疑問, 小馬就是一直在規章範圍內玩弄老猴.

Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati):
“Marquez was racing for the podium, but also to disturb Rossi.
Valentino’s reaction exceeded the limits and it is not what we want to see.
I believe Marc was provoking him and Rossi fell into his trap.
Rossi contributed to the rising tension [with his comments] on Thursday
and we can say that their relationship is finally over.
For sure, Marc was playing with Valentino, but he remained within the rules”.
來源出處: http://www.cycleworld.com/2015/1 ... arquez-controversy/
KirinSu 2015-10-31 19:18 只看這個作者



This is racing,但racing  for what?勝利?還是個人報復行為?


讚: 5.0
讚: 5
hatred? grudge? 不曉得... 答案太開放了... 大家請愛用問號... XD  發表於 2015-10-31 19:29