怪了 我怎麼記得我的機油不是綠色。
2400km 提早更換 怎麼這麼髒。可能空氣品質不好。武漢肺炎的威脅。大家都開車或是騎車。
我也搞不懂 節汽門跟化清劑.................差別。好吧配合 時代進步。
應該是PVC閥 回收來的....曲軸箱吹漏氣回收系統
不是說了 不要超過3K。公里
樣本1 他有混油 D400+Q8 F1
Daimler MB229.5MB229.5 oils are Upper Mainline high SAPS¹ lubricants designed for use in high performance gasoline and light duty diesel engines without advanced aftertreatment systems such as Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs). MB229.5 oils are typically SAE 5W-40, 5W-30 or 0W-30 based on API Group III or a mix of API Group III and Group IV base oils. The main physical and chemical requirements for MB229.5 are shown below: Requirement | Method | Unit | Limit | HTHS viscosity at 150°C | CEC L-36-A-90 | cP | ≥ 3.5 | Sulphated Ash | ASTM D874 | %wt | > 1.0 and ≤ 1.6 | Phosphorus | ASTM D5185 | %wt | ≥ 0.05 and ≤ 0.11 | Sulfur | ASTM D5185 | %wt | ≤ 0.5 | Evaporation loss (NOACK) at 250°C | CEC L-40-93 | % | ≤ 10 | Total Base Number | ASTM D2896 | mgKOH/g | ≥ 10.0 |
Note 1: SAPS refers to Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus and Sulfur, the levels of which are often restricted in the latest performance specifications. MB229.5 is usually coupled with a range of different combinations of other approvals depending on the viscosity grade of the lubricant. The most frequently seen approvals claimed in conjunction with MB229.5 being ACEA A3/B4, BMW Longlife-01, Volkswagen 50200/50500, Renault RN0710, Renault RN0700, Peugeot B71 2296 (5W-40 only) and Porsche A40 (5W-40 only). For more information on Daimler MB229.5, contact your Lubrizol representative.
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